Honest motorela driver in Camiguin returns cellphone left by passenger

A netizen showed her appreciation to an honest motorela driver in Camiguin for returning her cellphone she inadvertently left inside the motorela. May May took to social media to share her experience, along with photos of Dadang Dumangcas, the driver as identified by fellow Camiguingnons. It’s worth noting that despite his noble deed, Dumangcas humbly declined the reward offered to him. His integrity and kindness are truly commendable. God bless you, sir.

In her Facebook post, May May explained that she was so hungry that she inadvertently left her phone behind. Upon realizing her phone was missing, she attempted to call the number, but received no response. It was later learned that the driver was unfamiliar with operating a touchscreen phone, until he sought assistance from someone who was. Once he managed to answer the call, he assured May May that he would promptly return her phone to her. After recovering her phone, she offered him a token of appreciation, which he humbly declined.

May May
May May

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